What Causes Sleep Apnea?

If you notice that even after sleeping throughout the night, you wake up groggy and exhausted, there may be something else affecting you. If you also get complaints about your snoring, this could be a sign that you’re dealing with sleep apnea. There are different types of sleep apnea and various treatments. Dr. Keith Hudson in Beverly Hills, MI, can explain the types of sleep apnea treatments that you may need and how sleep apnea can affect your life if left untreated.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is characterized by snoring and pauses in breathing while you sleep. Sleep apnea is primarily caused by a blockage occurring in the airway, usually by the tongue falling to the back of your throat and blocking the flow of air. This makes it hard for you to breathe properly and can cause pauses in your breath throughout the night.

When oxygen is restricted from the lungs, this can cause it to be difficult to fall into deep cycles of sleep, leaving you restless and exhausted throughout the day. This can make it hard to focus during work or school and can cause you to feel sleepy when you should be awake and functioning. When left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and depression.

A common form of sleep apnea treatment from your dentist in Beverly Hills, MI, is an oral appliance. This repositions the tongue and jaw and keeps your airway open. Another common form of treatment is with a CPAP machine. This uses air pressure to keep the airway open and continue the flow of oxygen.

Contact Your Dentist Today!

Sleep apnea can affect your life in more ways than one. Contact Dr. Keith Hudson in Beverly Hills, MI, to learn more about sleep apnea treatment and how you can get back to sleeping throughout the night. Call for more information today at (248) 530-9812.

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