Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Treatment Beverly Hills, MI

What is Sleep Apnea?

man sleeping and snoring, sleep apnea treatment Beverly Hills, MI dentist

Sleep apnea is a common sleeping disorder marked by shallow breathing, pauses in breath and labored breathing punctuated by gasping or snoring sounds. Pauses of breath can last from several seconds up to minutes and can happen from five to thirty times or more per hour. A pause may be followed by a choking or snorting sound as the sleeper involuntarily gasps for breath.

Causes Of Sleep Apnea

The two main causes of sleep apnea are a blockage of the airway and poor signals from the part of the brain responsible for directing the muscles that control breathing. These two causes may occur together, however sleep apnea caused by a collapsed or blocked airway, known as obstructive sleep apnea, is the most common reason sleep apnea is experienced.

As oxygen is restricted to the lungs, blood and brain, the sleeper is less likely to fall into deep, restorative cycles of sleep. A person suffering from sleep apnea finds himself or herself tired during the day as the disorder inhibits restful sleep. A lack of quality sleep can lead to accidents or poor job performance. Serious health concerns including heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and depression can also result from untreated sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Snoring is usually linked to obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder in which the airway can be blocked, and breathing can stop for short periods of time while you’re asleep. Snoring doesn’t necessarily mean that you have sleep apnea, but when combined with other symptoms, it may be a sign that it’s time to see your doctor to learn more about sleep apnea and if it is affecting your life.

Some of the common symptoms of sleep apnea to be aware of are:

  • Extreme sleepiness during the day.
  • Issues concentrating.
  • Headaches when waking up.
  • Sore throat when waking up.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Restless sleep.
  • Loud snoring.
  • Nighttime chest pain.

If you have a partner or friend that can monitor you at night, they should be checking for periods where your breathing has stopped and then restarts abruptly.

When left untreated, sleep apnea can cause long-term effects on your quality of life and your well-being. Sleep apnea raises your risk of heart conditions or stroke, makes it more difficult to concentrate, can cause aggression and frustration issues, and can lead to motor accidents if you’re driving while drowsy.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

The condition is a highly manageable one as there are a number of treatment options that can relieve the symptoms of sleep apnea. Treatment options range from lifestyle change such as weight loss and smoking cessation, to devices that keep the breathing passage open through pressurized air or by altering the position of the lower jaw and connected airways, to surgery. An individual with sleep apnea should monitor their condition regularly to ensure symptoms and negative health affects are minimized.

Oral Surgery For Sleep Apnea

Using oral surgery to help sleep apnea seeks to remove the excess tissue in the throat that is vibrating and blocking the upper air passages. One surgical procedure is an Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP). This procedure involves removing the excess tissue from the upper mouth and throat. This procedure in performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. 

Maxillomandibular advancement is another type of procedure used to assist with sleep apnea. This procedure involves the upper and lower part of the jaw. In this procedure, the jaw is moved forward from the rest of the facial bones. This allows more room behind the soft palate, thereby reducing the obstruction. Finally a Tracheostomy is a last ditch effort when other treatments have failed. This involves the surgeon inserting a tube in your throat so you can breathe. It is covered during the day, but opens at night while you sleep. All of the aforementioned surgeries are routine and very safe.

If you are suffering from sleep apnea symptoms, Dr. Keith A. Hudson, DDS, PC has a solution for you.
Call our Beverly Hills, MI dental office today at (248) 530-9812 to schedule an appointment!

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